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Editorial design for news trend report in 2021

Online editorial design for the news trend report “Jornalismo no Brasil em 2021”, a project that invites journalists and researchers to reflect on what journalism expects in the coming year.

The initiative, headed by Farol Jornalismo and the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (ABRAJI), enters its fifth edition and I’ve been working alongside them for this as well as all of the previous editions.

According to Moreno Osório, from Farol Jornalismo, “you could say that 2020 was an extraordinary year (…) This opened up possibilities for journalism. Identifying how to take advantage of them is the challenge of the 9 authors invited to this edition of the special journalism in Brazil.”

Header design for the Freedom of Press article.

Header design for the Diversity in Journalism article.

You can see the full project here:

And check out some of my other projects here: https:/latest-projects/



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